historic preservation | residential architect
As a residential architect, I find this area of home design to be the most challenging and the most rewarding. My job in working with our residential clients is primarily to listen to the client's expectations and desires, not tell the client what type of house they should live in. Listening to the client, their dreams and desires, what they must have, what they want to have and what they don't want. Then I am able to make suggestions they might not have thought of and bring them possible new solutions for their home and open them to new ideas and possibilities.
A home is a place where people find themselves, seek refuge and nurture themselves and their families. The spaces we occupy in our everyday lives shape us as human beings and, on the larger scale, as a society. A home is a hearth or the soul of a family; it contains memories and creates aspirations.
Architecture in the future, especially residential, will give us a new scale and proportions to work with, new uses for materials and a palette of authenticity to replace our oversized stucco meaningless boxes. Technology including computers and automatic sensor controls will assist the homeowner in their home. From turning on and off lights, preparing meals, controlling heating and cooling, these devices will bring the future to the present.
Today's residential homeowner is more environmentally conscious. We know materials that are sustainable and incorporate them in our designs. More manufacturers are offering these products giving the consumer more choice in selection.
Our return clients at Shorn + Associates, Architects come back to us because we've changed their lives, they see things a bit differently and appreciate how our services have helped them to create richer and fuller lives for themselves, family and friends.
Jeffrey D. Shorn, a registered California architect, has been active in the architectural field both nationally and internationally for the past twenty-five years. After receiving his degree in architecture from Pratt Institute in New York, he spent two years in Iran with the U.S. Peace Corps. Following his return to the US, he worked for the Hilton Hotel Corporation- International Division, where he worked on the design and planning for Hilton's international resort projects at the Al-Jabail resort in Saudi Arabia and the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec, Canada.
As Design Partner, his portfolio includes projects for the Cities of San Diego and Chula Vista, Kaiser Permanente and UC San Diego. His extensive involvement in historic preservation has also brought him recognition and praise. His design work for restoration of Unit No. 7 in Rudolph Schindler's El Pueblo Ribera Complex, in La Jolla, has received much recognition and numerous awards.
In San Diego, Mr. Shorn's activities has encompassed a wide breadth of involvement: former Dean of the Newschool of Architecture, a past member of the City Manager's Seismic Retrofit Committee, a much respected eight year member of the San Diego Historic Resources Board, a consultant to the Sherman Heights Historic Rehabilitation Program, the El Cajon Boulevard BIA storefront improvement program and Vice President of Save Our Heritage Organization (SOHO). Statewide he served as a Trustee on the California Preservation Foundation (CPF). Through these efforts and concerns for the historic fabric of San Diego and California we have a much richer and more diverse community.